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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

http. \ww.stls.frb.org/indcx.h(inl

Souili Aftican Reserve Bank

http: www. resbank.co.za/

National Bank Ukraine

hitp: www bank gov.ua

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation


ii№ жоммерческие бишки >

Bank of New Yorks

http: www.bankofny com

Credit Lvonnais S.A

littp: www.creditlyonnais.fr/E default bun

NationsBank Соф.

htip: www. naiionsbaiik.coin

J.P. Morgan & Co.

http: www.jpmorgan.coni/

ING Euro Desk

http: euro. ing. nl/eng/main. html

Norges Bank

http: www.norgcs-bank.no/english/

CS First Boston


Bank of Montreal

http: www.bmo.com/

IBJ Intemauonal

htlp; www. ibjs.co.jp

Ro>al Bank of Scotland

http; w\nv.rbs.co.iik


ф>10черсов я олциовов

Chicago Board of Trade

Ыф: ит*».сЬо1.сот

Chicago Board Options Exchange

http: ww w. cboe. com

Chicago Mercantile Excliange

http: www.cme.com

Coffee. Sugar and Cocoa Exchange

hitp: www.csce.com

Hong Kong Futures Exchange

http: www. hkfe.com/

MidAmerica Cornmodity Exchange

hltp: www. midam.com/

Minneapolis Grain E.\cliange

http: www.itigex,com

Kansas Citv Board of Trade

http; www.kcbt.com/

New York Cotton Exchange / NYBOT

hiip: www. nyce.com

New York Mercantile Exchange / COMEX

http: www.nymex.coni

Belgium Futures & Options Exchaiige

http: www.belfox.be

Italian Derivatives Matltet

h1tp; www.borsaitalia. ii

Inicmational Petroleum Exchange

http: www. ipe.uk.com

London International Financial Futures Exchange / London Commodities Exchange

htip: www.liffc.com

London Metals Exchange

http; w4vw. lme.co. uk

Marche A Terrae Iniemational de France

http: w\vw.niatif.fr

Mercado Espanol de Opciones у Futurs Financieros - Retra Fija

http; www.meff.cs

South African Futures Exchange

htip: www.safex.co.za/

Шформагим и аналшика.ио фьючерсам и огадгонам

Futures On-line

hiip: www.futnresmag.coni

Futures. Net

http: ftihires.net/

IFCl Database of Exchange Traded Derivatives

http db.axone.ch/FinanceWatch/ContractsHoinc cfm


htip: w\vw.nunia.com/

Options Ajialvsis

hllp: opiionsanalysis.com/

Options lndusir\ Council

hiip: \v\vw.optioiiscen(ral.coni/

Options Resoorce Cenicr

http: www.e-analy1ics.com/optaaa.hiin

PM Publislung (options)

Ittt p: v\ww. pmpubl ishiiig. con i

Товарные рынки

Commodity Traders Consiuncr

http : ctcr. investors.net


Commodity Resource Corp

http: www.coramodity.com/index.lilml

Gold Eagles

lutp: www.gold-eagle.com

Agriculture Network Infonnation Center

hitp: www.agnic.org


http: www.nsrl.uiuc.edu

Energy, petrochemical and metals markets

http; www.platts.com


Iiiip7/w3vw wtrg.com


http www.eia.doe.gov


llttp: wv w. copper, org

Phelps Dodge Corporation (#1 copper)

hiip: www.pliclpsdodge.com


http: w\vw. world-aluniinium.org

Фондовые 6И1ИСЯ -

Australian Stock E.\cliangc

hltp; www.asx.com.au

Boston Stock Exchange

htfp: www.bostonstock.coni/

Chicago Slock Exchange

http: www.ch!cagosiocke-\.coin/


littp: v\vvw.nasdaq-amc.x.eom/

National Slock Exchange of India

http: www.nseindia.coni/

Helsinki Slock Exchange

li(tp; www.hsc.fi/english indcx.hunl

Italian Stock Exchange

htt.p: www borsaitaUa.it/

Korea Stock Exchange

http: www .kse.orkr/

Lima Stock Exchange

littp: wwvv bvl com pe/hoinepage2 Iftml

Midrid Stock Exchange

http: www. bolsamadiid. es/liomci hi in

Montreal Slock Exchange

111 tp; www.me.org/

New York Stock Excliaiime


New Zealand Stock E.xchange

ht(p: wv\w.nzse co.nz-

Philadelphia Slock E.xcliangc

litip: vvww.phlx.com

Stock Excliange of Singapore

http: www.ses.com.sg/

Stock Exchange of Tlwiland

http: www.set.or.th/

Santiago Stock Exchange

hitp; www.bolsantiago.ci/iiigles/iiidex.htin

SBF-Paris Bourse (Paris Stock Excliaiige)

littp: wwrt.boursc-de-pa tis.fi-/

Stockholm Stock Exchange

http: www.xsse.se/eng/Welcomc.nsf/(htinl)/lndex

Vancouver Slock E.xchange

http: www.vse.ca/

Tcl-Aviv Stock E.xchange

htip: www.tase.co. il/

Tokyo Stock Exchange

htlp: \vww.tsc.or.jp/eindex.himl

Toronto Stock E.xchange

http: www.tse.conv

Swiss Excliange

htt p. w w w. sw.v ch

London Slock Exchange


Pacific E\chjiigc

lmp; wvvw.pacificcx.coiii/

Iniemational Stock Exchange


Giiippc Deutsche Borsc

hi tp: w WW e.NChange. dc


lillp; www.eure.\changc.coin

Berlin Stock Exchange

littp: money.berlinerbocrsc.dc

Крупные фондовые брокерские конторы

Pnidenlial Scairities

litlp7/vvww.prusec com



Merill Lvnch

http: wwvv.ml.com


hlip: etrade.com

Salomon Smiih Banicv

http: vww.smithbamcy.cori


littp: www.scliwab.coin

Goldman Sachs Croup. Inc

http: tt-wv\.gs.coni

Morgan Grcnfcll

http: wTvw. morgaii-grcnfcl i. com

Lehman Brothers

hltp; www.lehinan.ccm

Bear Sicanis & Co Inc

http: \vww.bcarsteams.com

Morgan Stenlcy

http: wvw.ins.coni

Aubrey G. Lansioii & Co. Inc.

http: www.lanston.com

Аналитика и новости no рынку облигаций

Bond Market Association

http: wvvw. bondmarkets. com

Bonds Online

http: www.bonds-onliiic.com

Аналитика и новости по рынку ят.цип

Tlie Canadian Stock Market Rcponcr

http: canstock.com

ВТ Slock Watch - Singapiirc

http: wvvw.asja 1 .com sg/btsiocks-

Dailv Rocket - USA

htlp: www.dailyrockct.coiii

Ziicks Research - USA

hltp; www.zacks.com/

Emerging Market.*; Companion

htip: www.e»igmkis com

FinancialWcb - USA

http: www.rinancwlvvcb com/


http: w>vw investools com


lmp: mvw.iiivcstonmia.coni/


littp: i™vv.iin-csiorguidc.coi«/

Quotccoiii -- USA

http: w\v vv.qtiotc.coin

Markei Guide Investment Center-

http; www. inarkctguidc.com

Microsoft huestor - USA

http: imestor.msn.coni/

Morningsiar.Nct - USA

lmp: w\vw moniingstar.nct/

Nikkei Net Interactive - Japan

http: www.nMi.nikkci co.jp/

PC Quote - USA

littp: www.pcquote.coni/

Qtiickeii.com - USA

http: *vww. quicken, com/

Rcuicis MonevNet - USA

http: www.inone.vnei.coni/

S&P Personal Wealth - USA


Schaeffers ln\ csimeni Research --

http: www.optionsourcc.coiii


hllp: www. sharenct сом

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