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Мо.даельн три мстада

" Г;>и крыла Ьп !у"

I Г)И одновремешплч ! крм ха"

"Ьычий 1э11 край к краю fc-biv линий"


Орпшы государственной статистики

U.S. Dcpanmenl of (he Treasury

hitp. www usireas.gov

Bureau of tlie Public Debt T-Bill, Notes and Bonds


U.S Bureau of Economic Analysis


US Bureau of Labor Statislics

ltttp: stats.bls.gov

U.S. Dcparlmeni ol Labor


US Dcparlmeni of Согптегсс


U.S. Bureau of Census

http; wwv4.census.gov

U.S. Dcpartmeni of Agriculture

liUp:/Av\v w. iisda. gov

U.S. Bureau of Traiisportaiion Statistics

lutp: bts.gov

STAl-USA Inienici

hiip: w\v\v.stat -iisii. gov

National Bureau of Economic Research

hltp; «ww.nberorg/

World Agncullunil Supply and Demand Eslinmlcs (WASD)

http: wiv\v.econ.ag.gov

Omin Transportation Report

Imp. 4v\» л\.ат£. ubda.gov


http: /\vvvw. Jedsiats.gov

Federal Resenc Bank

hltp: v\\vw.bog.frb.fcd.us

ln\estincnl Conipan.v Institute


Joint Economic Comimlicc

http: \wvv.hoiisc.gov

Statistics Canada

hltp: \vww.slaican.ca

U.K. Office of National Stalislics

htlp: wTv\v.ons.gov.uk

Japan E.\len\al Trade Organization

hlip: wvv\v.,ielro.go.jp

Japan Economic Plaiming Agency

http; epa go.jp

German Federal Statistical Office

htlp: vvww.slatislik-bunddc/c..lwmc.litJu

Оспшш government

IHtp: vvvvH.bui»desrcgicrung de

German Finance Mmistn


Gerniiui Federal Economics Office


German Labor Office



http: europa.cii.int/cn/coniin/eurostal/eurostai.html

Fcdcr.ll Rescr\c U.S.

hitp: \vvvvv.fcderalrcser\e.gov

Макроэкономические инд1№аторы

Business Cycle Indicators


Dismal Sciciitisl - UK

lutp; \vv\ w dismal.coiu/

Economic Information Svsicms

htlpv/vv viw.ccon-linc.com

Mexico Consensus Economic Forecast - Me.\ico

littp: wvvv.cob.asu.cdu/scid/eoc/eocmex.hunl

Tlic Dismal Scicniisl


US. European, .lapaii inacroeconoinic data

http: www.ccoiiomagic com


Coiiimodity Fuuircs Trading Commission (CFTC)

х»сударст*еяного коюроля У. http;/Avww.cfic. gov

Congress. Org

http wwvv.congress.org/

Fniures Industry Associalion/Futures Industry Iiisiiluic

hiip: www.fiarii.org/

Emerging Markets Traders AssociaUon

hitp: www.eniia.org

White House

hitp: www.vvhitehousegov/WH/Welcome.htnil

IPC Emerging Mulieis Data Base

htlp: wAVw.ifc.org/EMDB/EMDBHOMEHTM

luieniational Swaps and Derivatives Association

hUp: www.isda.org/

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

http: wwv.sec.gov

MiOiagcd Funds Association

lutp: www.nifainfo.org/

National Futures Association (NFA)


Fulures industry Associalton (F1A>

http; riafii.org

Securities Investor Proicctioii Corporation

http: sipcorg

Государственные Еашш •

B-,mk for ImcmatJonal Settlements

hltp. \v\vw.bis.org

Bank of England

htlp; \\vvw.baiikofengland.co.uk/inde.x.htm

Bank of Japan

hitp: www.boj.or.jp/en/index htm

Banquc de France


Board of vjovemors of Uic Federal Resene Svsteui

htlp: www.bog.frb.fcd.us

Deutsche Bundesbank

http; w vvw.bundesbaiik.de

European Central Bank

htlp: \vww.ecb.int/

Swiss National Bank

hnp: vww snb.cli/e/indes3.html

De NcdcrlandscJic Bank

hup: vivvw.dnb.nl/english/index.htni

Asian Dcvclopineni Bank

htip: wTVW.adb.org/

Banco Central do Brasil

http. wivw.bcb.gov.br/defaulti.htni

Bank of Canada

http: www.bank-banque-canada.ca/english/inUo-e.htni

Feileral Resenc Bank of Allania

lutp: www ftbatlanta.org

Federal Rcscrse Bank of Boston

htip: www.bos.frt).org

Federal Resene Bank of Chicago

http; www.rt1x:hi.org

Federal Rcseoc Bank of Cleveland

littpV/www.clev.fit org

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

hitp; www.dallasfed. org

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Ciiy

http; www.kc.frb.org

Federal Rcscne Bank of Minnciipolis

hltp: minneapolisfed.org

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

http; www.ny .frb.org

Federal Reserve Bank of Phdadelphia

hup vivw.phil.fit org

Federal Rcser\e Bank of Richmond

lMtp; www.rich.frt).org

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

http. www.frt)sf.org

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