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ELFRING Т., Service Sector Employment tn Advanced Economies: a Comparative Analysis of its Implications for

Economic Growth, Avebury, Aldershot, 1988. FAIR D.E., DE BOISSIEU C. (directeurs de publication). International Monetary and Financial Integration ~ the

European Dimension (Financial and Monetary Policy Studies, 14), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1988. FELDMAN R.A., Japanese Financial Markets: Deficits, Dilemmas, and Deregulation, MIT Press, Cambridge

(Mass.), 1986.

FELDSTEIN M., Inflation, Tax Rules and Capital Formation, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (111.), 1983. FERGUSON Т., The Third World and Decision Making in the International Monetary Fund: the Quest for Full

and Effective Participation, Pinter, Londres, 1988. FISCHER В.. MAYER Т., On the Structuralist View of Inflation in some Latin American Countries: a

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Relation to Income. Prices and Interest Rates, 1867-1975 (National Bureau of Economic Resource.

Monographs), University of Chicago Press, Chicago (HI.), 1982. GLAVAZZI F., (directeur de publication). The European Monetaiy System, Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1989. GlERSCH H. (directeur de publication). Emerging Technologies: Consequences for Economic Growth. Structural

Change and Employment. Symposium 1981. Mohr, Tubingen, 1982. GLAESER B. (directeur de publication). The Green Revolution Revisited: A Critique and Alternatives. Allen &

Unwin, Londres, 1987.

GOUREVITCH P., MARTIN A., ROSS G., Unions and Economic Crisis: Britain. West-Germany and Sweden (Harvard Center for European Studies project on European trade union responses to economic crisis, 2), Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1984.

GRAUWE P., DE, The ECU and European Monetary Integration. MacMillan Press, Great-Britain, 1989. GRUBEL H.G., The International Monetary System: Efficiency and Practival Alternatives. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1984.

GUPTA K.L., Finance and Economic Growth in Developing Countries. Croom Helm, Londres, 1984. HANCHER L., MORAN M. (directeurs de publication), Deregulation in Western Europe. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989.

HARDWICK Ph., The Problems of Unemployment and Inflation (Key issues in economics and business), Longman, Londres, 1987.

HART P. (directeur de publication). Unemployment and Labour Market Policies (Joint Studies in Public Policy.

12), Gower, Aldershot, 1981. HOLMLUND В., LOFGREN K.G., ENGSTROM L., Trade Unions, Employment and Unemployment Duration

[Fief Studies in labour markets and economic policy). Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989. HORMATS R.D., Rearming the International Monetary System: from Roosevelt to Reagan (Headline Series),

Foreign Policy Association, New York, 1987, HORSEFIELD J,K. (directeur de publication). The International Monetary Fund 1945-1965: Twenty Years of

International Monetary Cooperation. IWF, Washington DC, 1983. ILGEN T.L., Autonomy and Interdependence: US-Western European Monetary and Trade Relations. 1958-1984.

Rowman and Allanheld, Totowa, 1985. ITOH M. (directeur de publication), Tje Economic Crisis East and West. Monash University, Clayton,


JACOB! O. (directeur de publication). Economic Crisis. Trade Unions and the State. Croom Helm, Londres, 1986.

JORGENSON D.W., GOLLOP F., FRAUMENI В., Productivity and US economic Growth (Contributions to

economic analysis. 169), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987. KAUFMANN H.M., Germanys International Monetary Policy and the European Monetaiy System. Columbia

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KAY J., MAYER C. (directeur de publication). Privatisation and Regulation: the UK Experience. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986.

KILLICK T. (directeur de publication). The IMF and Stabilisation: Developing Country Experiences, Heinemann, Londres, 1984.

KILLICK T. (directeur publication), The Quest for Economic Stabilisation: the IMF and the Third World. Gower, Aldershot, 1986.

KING M., FULLERTON D. (directeur de publication), Tge Taxation of Income from Capital: a comparative Study of the United States, the United Kingdom. Sweden and West Germany. University of Chicago Press, Chicago (1111), 1984.

KORNER P., MAASS G., SIEBOLD Т., The IMF and the debt crisis: a guide to the Third Worlds dilemma,

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KRAVIS I.B., HESTON A., SUMMERS R. (et al.). World Product and Income: International Comparisons of Real Gross Product, Statistical Office of the United Nations and the World Bank, Johns Hopkins UP, Baltimore, 1982.

KRELLE W. (directeur de publication), The Future of the World Economy: Economic Growth and Structural

Change, Springer, Berlin, 1989. KRUGMAN P.R., Exchange-rate Instability (Toe Lionel Robbins lectures), MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1989. LANG K., LEONARD J. (directeur de publisation). Unemployment and the Structure of Labor Markets,

Blackwell, New York, 1987.

LANGE P., ROSS G., VANNICELL! M., Unions, Change and Crisis: French and Italian Union Strategy and

the Political Economy, 1945-1980 (Harvard Center for European Studies project on European trade union

responses to economic crisis, 1), Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1982. LENKOWSKY L., Politics, Economidx and Welfare Reform: the Failure of the negative Income Tax in Britain

and the United States, University Press of America, Lanham, 1986. LINDBECK A., Inflation: Global, International and National Aspects (Gaxton Eyskens Lectures, Louvain UP,

Louvain, 1980.

LOWENFELD A.F., The International Monetaiy System (International Economic Law, A), Bender, New York, 1984.

MacCLAM W.D., US Monetary aggregates. Income Velocity and the Eurodollar Market, Bank for Intermational Settlements, BMe, 1980.

MARTIRENA-MANTEL A.M. (directeur de publication). External Debt, Savings, and Growth in Latin America: papers presented at a seminar sponsored by the International Monetary Fund and the Instituto Torcuato di Telia, held in Buenos Aires on October 13-16, 1986, IMF, Washington DC., 1987.

MITCHELL D., Unions, Wages and Inflation, Brookings Institution, Wachington DC., 1980.

MONTI M., Fiscal Policy, Economic Adjustment and Financial Markets, IMF, Washignton DC, 1989.

MULLINEUX A.W., The Business Cycle after Keynes: a Contemporary Analysis, Barnes and Noble Books, New Jersey, 1985.

MUYSKEN J., DE NEUBOURG C. (directeurs de publication). Unemployment in Europe, MacMillan, Basingstoke, 1989.

NUTI D.M., Economic Crisis in Eastern Europe: Prospects and Repercussions, European University Institute,

Department of Economics, Florence, 1984. NICOLETTI G., Privae Consumption, Inflation and the Debi Neutrality Hypothesis: the Case of Eight OECD

Countries, OECD, Paris, 1988. OLSON M., Grandeur et Decadence des Nations: Croissance economique, stagflation et rigidites sociales

(Economie sans rivages), Bonnel, Paris, 1983. PAPACONSTANDINOU H., Free Trade and Competiton in the EEC: Law, Policy and Practice, RouUedge,

Londres, 1988.

PASTOR M., The International Monetary Fund and Latin America: Economic Stabilization and Class Conflict,

Westview Press, Boulder, 1987. PAUKERT L., The Employment and Unemployment of Women in OECD Countries, ORCD, Paris, 1984. PROSSER Т., The Privatisation of Public Enterprises in France and Great Britain: the State, Constitutions and

Public Plicy, European University Institute, Department of Law, Florence, 1988. RAMANADHAM V. (directeur de publication), Privatisation in the UK, Routledge, Londres, 1988. RAVENHILL J. (directeur de publication), Africa in Economic Crisis, Columbia UP, New York, (N.Y.), 1986. REYNOLDS L.G., Economic Growth in the Third World, 1850-1950, Yale UP, New Haven, 1985. ROBE J.P., Countervailing Duties, State Protectionism and the Challenge of the Uruguay Round, European

University Institute, Department of Law, Florence, 1989. ROBINSON R.I., WRIGHTSMAN D., Financial Markets: the Accumulation and Allocation of Wealth (MacGraw-

Hill Series in Finance), MacGraw-Hill, New York, 1980. ROLAND G., Economie politique du systeme sovietique, LHarmattan, Paris, 1989.

ROLL E (directeur de publication). The Mixed Economy: Proceedings of Section F (Economics) of the British

Association for the Advancement of Science, Salford 1980, MacMillan, Londres, 1982. SANDRETTO R., PERROUX F. (et al.), Le Pouvoir et la Monnate: Reflexions sur la Crise et Iavenir du

Systeme Monetaire International, Economica, Paris, 1987. SCHATZ K.W., SCHEroE J., TRAPP P., Low Growth and High Unemployement in Europe: Causes and Policy

Options (Kiel Working Papers, 140), Kiel Institute of Worid Economies, Kiel, 1988. SHUTT H., The Myth of Free Trade: Patterns of Protectionism since 1945, Blackwell, Oxford, 1985. STAFFORD G.B., The End of Economic Growth? Growth and Decline in the UK since 1945, Robertson, Oxford,


SUMNER M.T., ZIS G. (directeur de publication), European Monetary Union: Progress and Prospects, MacMillan, Londres, 1982.

SWANN D., The Retreat tf the State: Deregulation and Privatisation in the UK and US. Harvester Wheatsheaf Hertfordshire, 1988.

SWANN D., The Economics of the Common Marlcet, Penguin, Londres, 1988.

SYLOS-LABINI P., The Forces of Economic Growth and Decline, MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1984. TEW В., The Evolution of the International Monetary System, 1945-85 (Hutchinson University Library), Hutchinson, Londres, 1985.

TINBERGEN J., Production. Income and Welfare: The Search for an optimal Social Order, Harvester Press, Hassocks, 1985.

UNGERER H., EVANS O., NYBERG P, (et al.), The European Monetary System: the Experience, 1979-I9H2. IMF, Washigton DC, 1984,

VICKERS J,, WRIGHT V. (directeurs de publication). The Politics of Privatisation in Western Ewope (West

European politics), Cass, Londres, 1988. VOGT Т., Les Etats-Unis et le Systeme Monetaire liUernational: une analyse de Tasymetrie au niveau

international, Lang, Berme, 1983. VOLCKER P.A., BRYANT R.C, GLESKE L., International Monetaiy Cooperation: Essays in Honor of Henry

C. Wallich (Essays in International Finance, 169), Princeton University, Department of Economics.

International Finance Section, Princeton (N.J.), 1987. VRIES M.G. DE, The IMF in a Changing World: 1945-1985, IMF, Washington DC, 1986. WHITMAN M. VON NEUMANN (directeur de publication), Unemployment and Growth in the Western

Economies, New York UP, New York, 1984. WILLETT T. (directeur de publication), Political Business Cycles: the Political Economy of Money, Inflation and

Unemployment, Duke University Press, Durham (N.C), 1988. WILSON Т., MacLENNAN M,C. (directeur de publication), Inflation, Unemployment and the Market, Clarendon

Press, Oxford, 1984.

YPERSELE J. VAN, TRIFFIN R., DELORS J. (et al.), Le Systeme Monetaire Europeen: Origines, Fonctionnement et Perspectives (Perspectives Europeennes), Office des publications officielles des Communautes europeennes, Luxembourg, 1988.

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