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CLAEYS J., Faktoren van ekonomische groei in Japan van 1950 tot 1970 (these non publiee, KU-Leuven),

Centrum voor Economische Studien, Louvain, 1972. [Ekonomische groei in Japan] CLARK C, The Conditions of Economic Progress, Londres, 1951. [Economic Progress] CLEGG H.A., CHESTER Т.Е., The Future of Nationalization, Blackwell, Oxford, 1953. [Nationalization] CLENDENNING W., The Euro-dollar Market, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970. [The Euro-dollar Market] CLEVELAND H. B. Van, "Modes of Internationa Economic Organization" A Stalemate System", in CALLEO

D.P. (directeur de publication), Money and the Coming World Order, New York UP, New York, 1976, p. 1 a

14. ["International Economic Organization"] CLINE W.R., International Monetary Reform and the Developing Countries, Brookings, Washington DC, 1976.

[Internationa Monetary Reform] CNUCED, La reforme monetaire Internationale et la cooperation en vue du developpement. Rapport du gvoupe

dexperts, ONU, New York, 1969. [La reforme monetaire Internationale] CNUCED, Ressources financieres pour le developpement, le bien. Rapport du secretariat, ONU, Geneve, 1971.

[Ressources financieres pour le developpement] COFFEY P. (directeur de publication), Economic Policies of the Common Market, MacMillan, Londres, 1979. COFFEY P. "Trade and Monetary Policy", in COFFEY P. (directeur de publication), Economic Policies of the

Common Market, MacMillan, Londres, 1979, p. 98 h 111. ["Trade and Monetary Policy"] COFFEY P., PRESLEY J.R., European Monetary Integration, MacMillan, Londres, 1971. [European Monetary


COHEN J.B., Japans Economy in War and Reconstruction, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1949. [Japans Economy]

COHEN S.S., Modem Capitalist Planning: the French Model, Harvard UP, Cambridge (Mass.), 1969. [Modern Capitalist Planning]

COMMISSARIAT GENERAL DU PLAN MODERNISATION ET DEQUIPEMENT, Rapport General sur le Premier Plan de Modernisation et dEquipement, Paris, 1947. [Rapport General sur le Premier Plan]

COMMUNAUTE ECONOMIQUE EUROPEENNE, Statistiques de Ienergie, (Annuaire 1972), CEE, Bruxelles, 1972. [Statistiques de Ienergie, 1972]

COMMUNAUTE ECONOMIQUE EUROPEENNE, Economie europeenne (plusieurs numeros), CEE, Bruxelles, [Economie europeenne]

COMMUNAUTE ECONOMIQUE EUROPEENNE, Methodes et procedures de programmation dans les pays membres de la Communaute (Actes du Colloque de Nice, 19-23 sept. 1977), CEE, Bruxelles, 1978. [Methodes et procedures de programmation]

COOPER J., Industrial Relations: Sweden Shows the Way, Fabian Research Series, Londres, 1963. [Industrial Relations: Sweden]

COOPER R.N., Economics of Interdependence: Economic Policy in the Atlantic Community, McGraw-Hill, New

York, 1968. [Economics of Interdependence] COOPER R.N. (directeur de publication), A reordened World: Emerging International Economic Problems,

Potomac, Washington DC, 1973. [A reordened World] COOPER R.N. (et al.), Towards a Renovated International System {A Report of the Trilateral Integrators Task

Force to the Trilateral Commission), The Trilateral Commission, New York, 1977. [Renovated International


COOPER R.N. et LAWRENCE R.E., "The 1972-1975 Commodity Boom", in Brookings papers on Economic Activity, n°3, publie par OKUN A.M., PERRY G.L., Brookings, Washington DC, 1975, p. 671 к 713. ["Commodity Boom"]

CORNWALL J., "Postwar Growth in Western Europe: a Re-evaluation", in Review of Economics and Statistics,

vol. 50, n°3, aout 1968, p. 361 u 367. ["Postwar Growth"] CORNWALL J., Growth and Stability in a Mature Economy, Martin Robertson, Londres, 1972. [Growth and


CORNWALL J., Modern Capitalism. Its Growth and Transformation, Martin Robertson, Londres, 1977. [Modern Capitalism]

COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS, 1965, Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers, Washington

DC, 1965. [Council of Economic Advisers, 1965] COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS, 1973, Annual Economic Report of the Council of Economic Advisers,

Washington DC, 1973. [Council of Economic Advisers, 1973] CRIPPS T.F., TARLING R.J., Growth in Advanced Capitalist Economies, I950-I970, Cambridge UP,

Cambridge, 1973. [Growth]

CROUZET F. (directeur de publication), Capital Formation in the Industrial Revolution, Methuen, Londres, 1972. [Capital Formation]

CURTIS T.B., VASTINE J.R., The Kennedy Round and the Future of American Trade, Praeger, New York,

1971. [Future of American Trade] CURZON G.V., Hidden Barriers to Trade, Trade Policy Research Centre, Londres, 1970. [Barriers to Trade] CUYVERS L. et MEEUSEN W., "Determinanten der functionele inkomensverdeling", in Inkomens- en

Vermogensverdeling {14 Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, Brussel, 1979), VUB, Bruxelles,

1979. ["Functionele inkomensverdeling"]

DAEMS Н., The Holding Company and Corporate Control, Noord-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978, [The Holding Company]

DAEMS H., "The Rise of the Modem Industrial Enterprise: A New Perspective", in CHANDLER A.D,, Jr., DAEMS H, (directeurs de publication), Managerial Hierarchies. Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Modern Industrial Enterprise, Harvard UP, Cambridge (Mass.), 1980, p. 203 a 223. ["Rise of the Modern Industrial Enteфrise"]

DAEMS H. (et al.), De Belgische Industrie. Een profielbeeld, De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, Anvers-Amsterdam,

1981, [De Belgische Industrie] DAHLBERG K.A., Beyond the Green Revolution, Plenum Press, New York, 1979, [Beyond the Green Revolution] DALTON G„ High Tide and After, Muller, Londres, 1962. [High Tide and After]

DALTON G., Economic Systems and Society. Capitalism, Communism and the Third World, Penguin,

Harmondsworth, 1974, [Economic Systems and Society] DANCET G., "De gevolgen van de olieprijsstijgingen voor Belgie en zijn belangrijkste handelspartners", in

POLEKAR (directeur de publication), Krisis en werkgelegenheid, Polekar, Louvain, 1981, p. 50 a 65. ["De

gevolgen van de olieprijsstijgingen"] DARAGONA G.G., "A Critical Evaluation of Land Reform in Italy", in Land Economics, vol. 30, fevrier 1954,

p. 12 к 20, ["Land Reform in Italy"] DAS GUPTA A,K,, Economic and Commercial Geography, Allied Bank Agency, Calcutta, 1978. [Economic and

Commercial Geography]

DATOO B.A., "Toward a Reformulation of Boserups Theory of Agricultural Change", in Economic Geography,

vol, 54, avril 1978, p. 135 a 144. ["Toward a Reformulation"] DAVIS S.T., LAWRENCE P.R., Matrix, Addison-Wesley, Reading (Mass.), 1977. [Matrix] DEHEM R., De Ietalon sterling a Ietalon dollar, Calmann-Levy, Paris, 1972, [De Ietalon sterling a Ietalon


DELEECK H,, Maatschappelijke Zekerheid en inkomensherverdeling in Belgie, Standaard, Anvers, 1966.

[Maatschappelijke Zekerheid] DELEECK H., Ongelijkheden in de Welvaartsstaat {Opstellen over sociaal beleid, 2), De Nederlandsche

Boekhandel, Anvers, 1977. [Ongelijkheden in de Welvaartsstaat] DELFGAAUW G.Th., "Enkele vraagstukken van economische groei in Nederland", in De Economist, vol. 104,

n°3, mars 1956, p. 161 a 175. ["Economische groei in Nederland"] DELORS J., "The Decline in French Planning", in HOLLAND S. (directeur de publication). Beyond Capitalist

Planning, Blackwell, Oxford, 1978, p, 9 a 33. ["French Planning"] DENISON E.F., Why Growth Rates Differ. Postwar Experience in Nine Western Countries, Brookings,

Washington DC, 1967. [Why Growth Rates Differ] DENISON E.F,, Accounting for United States Growth 1929-1969, Brookings, Washington DC, 1974. [United

States Growth I929-I969]

DENISON E.F., Accounting for Slower Economic Growth. The United States in the I970s, Brookings,

Washington DC, 1979, [Slower Economic Growth] DENISON E,F., CHUNG W.K., How Japans Economy Grew so Fast. The Sources of Postwar Expansion,

Brookings, Washington DC, 1976, [How Japans Economy Grew] DENTON G, (directeur de publication). Economic Integration in Europe, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Londres, 1969. DENTON G., FORSYTH M., MacLENNAN M,, Economic Planning and Policies in Britain, France and

Germany, Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1968. [Economic Planning and Policies] DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, The National Plan, Londres, 1964, [The National Plan] DESAEYERE W„ TAVERNIER K., VAN LOON E., "Meten en verklaren van de personele inkomensverdeling in

Belgie", in De overheid in de gemengte economie (11 Vtaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres,

Leuven, 1973), Louvain UP, Louvain, 1973, p. 285 u 320. ["Personele inkomensverdeling in Belgie"] DESAI M., "Stabilization of Primary Product Prices: the Lessons of the International Tin Agreement", in

SENGUPTA A, (directeur de publication), Commodities Finance and Trade. Issues in North-South

Negotiations, F, Pinter, Londres, 1980. ["Primary Product Prices"] DESPICHT N.. Transport Policy of the European Communities, Londres, 1969. [Transport Policy] DEUTSCHE BANK, OPEC, Five Years after the Oil Price Increase: Facts, Figures and Analysis, Deutsche

Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1978, [OPEC, Five Years after the oil price increase] DEVROYE A., Amerikaanse directe investeringen in Europa en in Belgie na 1945: een synthese (these non

publiee, KU-Leuven), Centrum voor Economische Studien, Louvain, 1979. [Amerikaanse directe

investeringen in Europa]

DEWITZ W. VON, "The Multilateral GATT Negotiations", in Inter-Economics, vol, 14, n°4, juillet-aout 1979, p.

202 a 207. ["GATT Negotiations"] DHONDT J., "Government, Labour and Trade Unions", in VAN DER WEE H. (directeur de publication), The

Great Depression Revisited. Essays on the Economics of the Thirties, Martinus Nijhoff, La Haye, 1972,

p. 249 a 257, ["Government, Labour and Trade Unions"] DIAZ-ALEJANDRO C.F., "International Markets for Exhaustive resources. Less Developed Countries and

Multinational Corporations", in Research in International Business and Finance, vol. I, 1979, p, 269 a 298,

["International Markets"]

DICK R., DICKE H., "Patterns of Trade in Knowledge", in GIERSCH H. (directeur de publication), International Economic Development and Resource Transfer {Kieler Workshop, 1978), Mohr, Tiibingen, 1979. ["Patterns of Trade"]

DOUGLAS E., The Policies of Energy. The Emergence of the Superstate, MacMillan, Londres, 1976. [Policies of Energy]

DOW J.C.R., The Management of the British Economy, 1945-1960, Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1968. [British Rconomy 1945-1960]

DOW J.C.R., "Cyclical Developments in France, Germany and Italy since the Eariy Fifties", in

BRONFENBRENNER M. (directeur de publication), Is the Business Cycle Obsoletel, chap. 5. Wiley, New

York, 1969, p. 140 u 196. ["France, Germany and Italy"] DREZE J.C.R., "Quelques reflexions sereines sur Iadaptation de Industrie beige au Marche Commun", in

Comptes Rendus de la Societe dEconomie Politique de Belgique, n°275, I960, p. 3 u 37. ["Quelques

reflexions sereines"]

DRUCKER P.F., The New Society. The Anatomy of Industrial Order, Harper & Row, New York, 1962. [The New Society]

DRUCKER P.F., "The New Markets and the New Capitalism", in BELL D., KRISTOL I. (directeurs de publication). Capitalism Today, Basic Books, New York, 1971, p. 44 u 79. ["New Markets"]

DUUN J.J. VAN, "The Long Wave in Economic Life", in De Economist, vol. 125, n°4, 1977, p. 543 a 576. ["The Long Wave"]

DUIJN J.J. VAN, "Dating Postwar Business Cycles in The Netherlands 1948-1976", in De Economist, vol. 126,

n°4, 1978, p. 474 к 504. ["Postwar Business Cycles"] DUIJN J.J. VAN, De Lange Golf in de Economie. Kan innovatie ons uit het dal helpeni. Van Gorcum, Assen,

1979. [De Lange Golf]

DUITSLAND, "Einkomensverteilung und -schichtung der privaten Haushalte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,

1950-1970", in Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftisforschung: Wochenbericht 25, vol. 40, 21 juin 1973,

p. 217 u 226. ["Einkomensverteilung und -schichtung"] DUNNING J.H., PEARCE R.D., The Worlds largest Industrial Enterprises. Gower, Famborough, 1981.

[Worlds largest Industrial Enterprises] DUPRIEZ L.H., The Long Waves confirmed by the Present Crisis (Discussion-Paper, 1978), Centrum voor

Economische Studien, Louvain, 1978. [Long Waves]

EHRLICH P., The Population Bomb, Ballantine, New York, 1968. [The Population Bomb]

EHRLICH P.R., EHRLICH A.H., Population, Resources, Environment: Issues in Human Ecology, W.H. Freeman

& Co., San Francisco, 1972 (2). [Population, Resources, Environment] EINZIG P., The Euro-dollar System, MacMillan, Londres, 1970. [The Euro-dollar System] ELSENHANS H., "Overcoming Underdevelopment. A Research Paradigm", in Journal of Peace Research,

vol. 12, n°4, 1975, p. 293 к 313. [""Overcoming Underdevelopment"] EMMANUEL A., "The Multinational Corporations and Inequality of Development", in International Social

Science Journal, vol. 28, n°4, 1976, p. 754 к 111. ["Multinational СофогаНопз"] EMMER R.E., "West-German Monetary Policy, 1948-1951", in Journal of Political Economy, vol. 63, fevrier

1955, p. 52 b. 69, ["West-German Monetary Policy"] ESPENSHADE T.J., "Zero Population Growth and the Economics of Developed Nations", in Population and

Development Review, vol. 4, n4, 1978, p. 645 a 680. ["Zero Population Growth"] ESPENSHADE T.J., SEROW W.J. (directeurs de publication). The Economic Consequences of Slowing

Population Growth, Academic Press, New York, 1978. [Slowing Population Growth] EUCKEN W., Grundsatze der Wirtschctspolitik, Mohr, Tubingen, 1952, [Grundsutze der Wirtschaflspolitik] EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY, Europe and Energy. CEE, Bruxelles, 1967. [Europe and


EUROPEAN TRADE UNION INSTITUTE, The Impact of Micro-Electronics on Employment in Western Europe

in the 1980s, Bruxelles, 1979. [The Impact of Micro-Electronics] EVANS D. (directeur de publication), Britain in the E.E.C., GoUancz, Londres, 1973. [Britain] EVANS J.W., The Kennedy Round in American Trade Policy: the Twilight of the GATT! Cambridge (Mass.),

1971. [The Kennedy Round]

EYSKENS G. (et al.), Het land waarin wij werken. Een doorlichting van het Belgisch economisch systeem, Standaard, Anvers, 1974. [Het land waarin wij werken]

FAULKNER H.U., American Economic History, Harper & Row, New York, 1960 (8). [American Economic History]

FEDERAL OPEN MARKEN COMMITTEE, Minutes of the FOMC, New York, 1967. [Minutes of the FOMC] FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, "Ministerial Statement of the Group of Ten and Annex Prepared by Deputies",

in Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol 50. n° 8, aout 1964, p. 975 & 999. ["Statement of the Group of


FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, Treasury and Federal Reserve Foreign Exchange Operations", in Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 58, n° 9, septembre 1972, p. 757, a 782. ["Treasury and Federal Reserve Foreign Exchange Operations"]

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