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BAIROCH P., Le Tiers Monde dans Timpasse. Le demurrage economique du XVIII au XX siecle, Gallimard,

Paris, 1971, [Le Tiers Monde dans Timpasse] BALASSA B,, "Whiter French Planning?"], in The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 79, n°4, novembre 1965,

p. 537 a 554. ["French Planning?"] BALASSA В., "Export Incentives and Export Performances in Developing Countries: a Comparative Analysis", in

Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol, 114, 1978, p, 24 a 61. ["Export Incentives"] BALASSA В., "World Trade and the International Economy: Trends, Prospects and Policies", in BALASSA B.

(et al.). World Trade: Constraints and Opportunities in the 80s, The Atlantic Institute for International

Affairs, Paris, 1979, p, 43 h 70. ["World Trade and the International Economy"] BALDWIN R.E., Non-Tariff Distortions of International Trade. Brookings, Washington DC, 1970. [Non-Tariff


BALOGH Т., "Britains Planning Problems", in HOLLAND S, (directeur de publication). Beyond Capitalist Planning. Blackwell, Oxford, 1978, p. 121 a 136. ["Britains Planning Problems"]

BANDT J. DE, BOS H.C. (et al.). The World Economy in Transition. A Tripartite Report by Seventeen Economists from the European Community, Japan and North America, Brookings, Washington DC, 1975. [The World in Transition]

BANQUE DES REGLEMENTS INTERNATIONAUX, Rapport annuel 1975, Bale, 1975, [Rapport annuel 1975].


BANQUE MONDIALE, Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 1978. Banque mondiale, Washington,

D,C., 1978, [Rapport sw le developpement 1978] BANQUE MONDIALE, Commodity Trade and Price Trends (1978 Edition) (Document of the World Bank,

Report n°EC-166/78), Banque mondiale, Washington, D.C, 1978, [Commodity trade, 1978 Edition] BANQUE MONDIALE, Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde /979, Banque mondiale, Washington,

D,C„ 1979, [Rappori sur le developpement 1979] BANQUE MONDIALE, Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 1980, Banque mondiale, Washington,

D,C, 1980, [Rapport sur le developpement 1980] BARNES W,G„ Europe and the Developing World, Chatham House, Londres, 1967, [Europe and the Developing


BARRET M,, GREENE M.L., "Special Drawing Rights: a Major Step in the Evolution of the Worids Monetary System", in Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Monthly Review, vol. 50, n°l, Janvier 1968, p, 10 a 13. ["Special Drawing Rights"]

BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE (directeur de publication), Explor-Multitrade Data Bank, Columbus

Laboratories, Columbus (Ohio), s,d. [Explor-Multitrade Data Bank] BAUM W.E., The French Economy and the State, Princeton UP, Princeton, 1958. [The French Economy] BAYLISS B.T., European Transport, Ministry of Transport, Londres, 1965. [European Transport] BEAVER S.E., Demographic Transition Theory Reinterpreted, D.C. Heath & Co,, Lexington (Mass,), 1975,

[Demographic Transition Theory] BECKER Q,, Human Capital. A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education, New

York, 1964. [Human Capital] BECKERMAN W. (directeur de publication). The Labour Governments Economic Record, 1964-1970,

Duckworth, Londres, 1972. [Labour Governments Economic Record] BELGIUM, "Het verloop van de bestaansvoorwaarden in Belgie sedert het einde van de tweede wereldooriog", in

Tijdschrift van de Nationale Bank van Belgie, 52, vol, 2, n°4, octobre 1977, p. 3 u 25. ["Het verloop van de

bestaansvoorwaarden in Belgie"] BELIEN A., De invloed van de economische ontwikkeling op de inkomensengelijkheid in Belgie, Centrum voor

Economische Studien, Louvain, 1974, (roneotype) [Inkomensongelijkheid in Belgie] BELIEN A., KESENNE J., TAVERNIER K., De relatie tussen inkomenshoogle en inkomensongelijkheid: een

empirische verificatie van een hypothese op basis van de Franse en Duitse situatie. Centrum voor

Economische Studien, Louvain, 1974. (reneotype) [Inkomenshoogle en inkomensongelijkheid] BELL D., KRISTOL 1. (directeurs de publication), Capitalism Today. Basic Books, New York, 1971. [Capitalism


BELL D., The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Basic Books, New York, 1976. [Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism]

BELL G., The Euro-dollar Market and the International Financial System, MacMillan, Londres, 1973. [The Euro-dollar Market]

BENARD J., "Le Marche Commun Europeen et Iavenir de la planification fran9aise", in Revue Economique. vol. 15, n°5, septembre 1964, p. 756 к 784. ["La planification franfaise"]

BEN-DAVID J., Fundamental Research and the Universities, OCDE, Paris, 1968, [Fundamental Research]

BERGSTEN CF., Completing the GATT: Toward New International Rules to Govern Export Controls (British-North American Committee, October 1974), [Completing the GATT]

BERGSTTtOM V,, SODERSTEN J„ "Industrial Growth and the Distribution of Incomes, A Conflict of Goals for Economic Policy", in Skandinaviska Enskilda Sunken Quarterly Review, n°3, 1972, p, 98 u 108, ["Industrial Growth and the Distribution of Incomes"]

BERLE A.A. Jr., The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution. New York, 1954. [Capitalist Revolution] BERNSTEIN E.M., "The Gold Crisis and the New Gold Standard", in Quarterly Review and Investment Survey,

1958, p. 1 a 12. ["The Gold Crisis") BERTELMAN T. (et al.). Resources, Society and the Future, Secretariat for Future Studies, Stockholm, 1980.

[Resources, Society]

BHAGWATI J.N. (directeur de publication). The New International Economic Order, the North-South Debate ,(MIT Bicentennial Studies), MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1977. [The North-South Debate]

BLACKHURST R., MARIAN N., TUMLIR J., Trade Liberalization, Protectionism and Interdependence, GATT, Geneve, 1977. [Trade Liberalization]

BLACKHURST R., MARIAN N.. TUMLIR J., Adjustment, Trade and Growth in Developed and Developing Countries. GATT. Geneve, 1978. [Adjustment, Trade and Growth]

BLAIR J.M., The Control of Oil, MacMillan, Londres, 1977. [Control of Oil]

BLANDOW G.E., "Agricultural Production, Prices and Costs: How have the farmers fared?", in AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE, Food and Agricultural Policy, AEI, Washington DC, 1977. ["Agricultural Production"]

BLOCK F.L., The Origins of International Economic Disorder. A Study of United States International Monetary Policy from World War II to the Present, Berkeley UP, Berkeley, 1977. [Origins of International Economic Disorder]

BOHI D.R., RUSSELL M., Limiting Oil Impacts: An Economic Histoiy and Analysis. Johns Hopkins UP,

Baltimore, 1978. [Limiting Oil Impacts] BOHNING W., The Migration of Workers in the United Kingdom and the European Community, Oxford UP,

Oxford, 1972. [Migration of Workers] BOHNING W., MALLAT D., The Effects of the Employment of Foreign Workers, OCDE, Paris, 1974.

[Employment of Foreign Workers] BOLL F., "Le processus dintegration monetaire des six: 1968-1972", in Civisme Europeen, vol. 2, n°2, juin

1972. ["Le processus dintegration monetaire"] BORN K.E., "Government Action against the Great Depression", in VAN DER WEE H. (directeur de publication),

The Great Depression Revisited. Essays on the Economics of the Thirties, Martinus Nijhoff, La Haye, 1972,

p. 45 u 58. ["Government Action against the Great Depression"] BORNSTEIN M. (directeur de publication), Economic Planning. East and West. Ballinger, Cambridge (Mass.),

1975. [Economic Planning]

BOSERUP E., Evolution agraire et pression demographique. Flammarion, Paris, 1970. [Evolution agraire] BOSERUP E., "Food Supply and Population in Developing Countries. Present Status and Prospects", in ISLAM

I. (directeur de publication), Agricultural Policy in Developing Countries, MacMillan, Londres, 1974, p.

164-176. ["Food Supply")

BOWMAN M.J., "Schultz, Divison and the Contribution of eds to National Income Growth", in Journal of Political Economy, vol. 72, octobre 1964, p. 450 a 464. ["Schultz, Divison"]

BRAND W., "Het Oostblok en de Internationale economische orde", in Economische Stalistische Berichten, vol. 65, n°3257, 4 juin 1980, p. 652 a 656. ["Het Oostblok"]

BRANDT W., North-South: A Programme for Survival. Report of the Independent Commission on International Development Issues under the Chairmanship of Willy Brandt, Pan Books, Londres-Sydney, 1980. [North-South: A Programme for Survival]

BRAUN е., McDonald S., Revolution in Miniature: the History and Impact of Semiconductor Electronics, Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1978. [Revolution in Miniature]

BRAUN F., "Linventaire statistique des investissements etrangers en Europe", in Les investissements etrangers en Europe, Seminaire organise par Ilnstitut dAdministration des entreprises de IUniversite de Paris et de gestion des entreprises, Dunod, Paris, IX. 1968, 267 p. ["Linventaire statistique des investissements etrangers"]

BREEDVELD D.C, "Nieuwe stappen op weg naar een vrij intra-Europees Goederenverkeer", in De Economist,

vol. 103, n°9, septembre 1955, p: 597 619. ["Naar een vrij intra-Europees Goederenverkeer"] BRITISH GOVERNMENT (directeur de publication). White Paper on Financial and Economic Obligations of the

National Industries, Londres, 1961. BRITISH GOVERNMENT (directeur de publication), White Paper on National Industries, Londres, 1967. BRONDEL G., MORTON N.. "Energy Policy", in COFFEY P. (directeur de publication), Economic Policies of

the Common Market, MacMillan, Londres, 1979. ["Energy Policy"] BRONFENBRENNER M. (directeur de publication), Is the Business Cycle Obsolete"} (Based on a Conference of

the Social Science Research Council Committee on Economic Stability), Wiley, New York, 1969. [Business


BROOKINGS INSTITUTION (directeur de publication). Conference on World Inflation, Brookings Instituion,

november 21-23,1974, Brookings, Washington DC, 1974. BROOKS H., "Whats Happening to the U.S.-Lead in Technology?", in Harvard Business Review, mai-juin,

1972, p. 110 u 118. ["U.S.-Lead in Technology"] BROWN СР., The Political and Social Economy of Commodity Control, MacMillan, Londres, 1980.

[Commodity Control]

BROWN G.M., FIELD В., "The Adequacy of Scarcity Measures for signaling the Scarcity of Nation Resources", in SMITH V,K. (directeur de publication), Scarcity and Growth Reconsidered, Johns Hopkins UP, Baltimore, 1979, p, 218 a 248. ["Scarcity Measures"]

BROWN L.R., By Bread Alone, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1975. [By Bread Alone]

BROWN M. (directeur de publication), The Theory and Empirical Analysis of Production, National Bureau of

Economic Research, Columbia UP, New York, 1967. BROWN M., CONRAD A„ "The Influence of Research and Education on CES Production Relations, in

BROWN M. (directeur de publication). The Theory and Empirical Analysis of Production, Columbia UP,

New York, 1967. ["The Influence of Research"] BROWN W.M., "World Afloat; National Policies Ruling the Waves" {Essays in International Finance, n°l 16),

Princeton UP, Princeton, 1976. ["World Afloat"] BRUGMANS H., Lidee europeenne, 1920-1970, De Tempel, Bruges, 1970. [Lidee europeenne] BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DU TRAVAIL, Lemploi, la croissance et les besoins essentiels: РгоЫёте

mondial. Conference mondiale tripartite sur Temploi, la repartition du revenu, le progres social et la

division Internationale du travail, Bureau International du Travail, Geneve, 1976. [Lemploi, la croissance et

les besoins essentiels]

BURNS A.F., The Business Cycle in a Changing World, National Bureau of Economy Research, New York, 1969. [Business Cycle]

BUYSE J., Het "Programme commun de gouvernement" en de theorie van het Staatsmonopoliekapitalisme (these non publiee, KU-Leuven), Centrum voor Economische Studien, Louvain, 1977. [Het "Programme Commun"]

CALLEO D.P. (directeur de pubhcation). Money and the Coming World Order, New York UP, New York, 1976. CALLEO D.P., ROWLAND D.M., America and the World Political Economy: Atlantic Dreams and National

Realities, Bloomington UP, Bloomington (Ind.), 1973. [America and the World Political Economy] CAMPBELL K.O., Food in the Future. Now Agriculture can meet the Challenge, University if Nebraska Press,

Lincoln, 1979. [Food in the Future] CAMPS M., Britain and the European Community, 1955-1963, Oxford U.P., Oxford, 1964. [Britain and the

European Community]

CARBAUGH R.J., International Economics, Winthrop, Cambridge, 1980. [International Economics] CARON F., An Economic History of Modern France, Methuen, Londres, 1979. [Modern France] CARTER H.W., Speaking European: The Anglo-Continental Cleavage, Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1966, p. 24 a 33. [Speaking European]

CARVER v., LIDDIARD P. (directeurs de publication). An Ageing Population, Homes & Meier, New York,

1979.[An Ageing Population]

CAVES R.E., "Industrial Organization. Corporate Strategy and Structure", in The Journal of Economic Literature,

vol, 18, mars 1980, p, 64 a 89. ["Industrial Organization. Corporate Strategy"] CAVES R., UEKUSA M., "Industrial organization in Japan", in PATRICK H,, ROSOVSKY H, (directeurs de

publication), Asias New Giant. How the Japanese Economy works, Brookings, Washington DC, 1976,

["Industrial Organization"]

CENTRAL BANK OF KOREA (directeur de publication). Proceedings of the Second Pacific Basin Central Bank

Conference on Economic Modelling, Central Bank of Korea, Seoul, 1976. CHANDLER A.D. Jr., Strategy and Structure. Chapters in the History of Industrial Enterprise, MIT Press,

Cambridge (Mass.), 1962. [Strategy and Structure] CHANDLER A.D. Jr., The Visible Hand. The Managerial Revolution in American Business, Belknap Press,

Cambridge (Mass.), 1977. [The Visible Hand] CHANDLER A.D. Jr., "The Growth of the Transnational Industrial Firm in the United States and the United

Kingdom; A Comparative Analysis", in The Economic History Review, Second Series, vol. 23, n°3, aoOt

1980,p. 396 к 410. ["Growth of the Transnational Industrial Firm"]

CHANDLER A.D. Jr., DAEMS H,, "Administrative Coordination, Allocation and Monitoring; Concepts and Comparisons", in HORN N,, KOCKA J. (directeurs de publication). Law and the Formation of the Big Enterprises in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, GOttingen, 1979, p, 28 a 54. ["Administrative Coordination"]

CHANDLER A.D. Jr., DAEMS H. (directeurs de pubhcation). Managerial Hierarchies. Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Modern Industrial Enterprise, Harvard UP, Cambridge (Mass,), 1980. [Managerial Hierarchies]

CHANNON D.F., The Strategy and Structure of British Enterprise, MacMillan, Londres, 1974. [British Enterprise]

CHAZEL A., POYET H., Leconomie mixte, PUF, Paris, 1963, [Leconomie mixte]

CHENERY H,. AHLUWALIA M.S„ BELL C,L,G., DULOY J.H., JOLLY R., Redistribution with Growth.

Policies to improve income distribution in developing countries in the context of economic growth. A joint

study by the World Banks Development Research Center and the Institute of Development Studies at the

University of Sussex. Oxford UP, Oxford, 1974. [Redistribution with Growth] CIPOLLA CM. (directeur de pubhcation), The Fontana Economic History of Europe (vol. 5 et 6), CoUings-

Fontana, Londres, 1976. [Fontana Economic History of Europe]

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